Center Stage Theatre presents “A Grand Night for Singing”

Center Stage Theatre’s “A Grand Night for Singing” cast. Left John Corraro (as Martin), Carla Sullivan (as Victoria), center, Sandra Fernandes (as Lynne), right Jacob Litt (as Jason) and Kelly Terifay (as Alyson). Photo Credit: Diana Scalenghe from Simple and Clean Photography

The Center Stage Theater in Shelton, Connecticut presented a production of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s “A Grand Night for Singing” on Saturday, April 29th. It was directed and choregraphed by Michael “Beetle” Bailey and Brandy Bailey and led by Musical Director Liz Muller. Andrew Gadwah and Allegra Pin accompany the ensemble on piano and drums. It is a charming revue that pays homage to the glorious melodies and lyrics of America’s beloved theatre duo.

The ensemble is a talented bunch and their harmonies are some of the best moments onstage. John Corraro and Kelly Terifay in particular stood out for their strong vocal performances. Kelly has a powerful instrument that remained true from beginning to end and John sang with an engaging presence and warmth. His solo in “Honey Bun” was a highlight but Sandra Fernandes questioning of the lyric “broad where a broad should be broad” was a scene stealer. Seen within the lens of 2023, there are some odd moments. This was acknowledged brilliantly a second time through signs like #awkward that pop-up during “Don’t Marry Me.” It was a clever choice to be up front that times have changed but also continue to perform this incredible music as there is still so much to love.

“All at Once You Love Her,” had some of the most memorable choreography. While Carla Sullivan’s “If I loved You,” was simply staged on top of the piano but tender and similarly Jacob Litt’s “Love, Look Away” had an honest aching loss.

Carla Sullivan who is Center Stage’s Managing Director shared with me on Friday the importance of community theater, “We are absolutely a community theater, but without any negative connotation. We put on an extremely professional production with attention to detail and period… and that’s right in our mission. We seek to do high quality productions at an affordable price right in your own backyard. I love Broadway, I love Westport Country Playhouse, I love Goodspeed – you know I’ll go see whatever it is wherever it is, because I love that. But most of our patrons love that they can drive 10-15 or 20 minutes down the road and come in and at an affordable ticket price, get a really great experience and see people that they run into in the grocery putting on the shows. We are amateur, but we aspire to be high quality experience for our patrons and our actors.”

I certainly recommend supporting this lovely cast in their final performance, Sunday, April 30th at 2:00 PM (purchase your tickets here!). Stay tuned for more from my conversation with Carla in a “Careers in Music” feature coming very soon.

Natasha Barbieri, Editor


Creator of Classical Crossover Magazine. For Natasha music has always been closely tied to her faith. At age 18, Natasha made her opera debut playing the part of the mother in Menotti’s ‘Amahl and the Night Visitors’ with the Eastern Festival Opera. At 20, she was a winner of the 2011 Young Artist Competition at Andrews University. Natasha graduated in 2012 with a Bachelor’s of Music. Natasha has released a series of Holiday singles “A Place Called Home” (2020), “One Little Boy,” and “The Perfect Year” (2021). In 2021, she was nominated for the ‘Future Classic Women Awards’ show on Men’s & Women’s Radio Station. Natasha is the creator and editor of ‘Classical Crossover Magazine’ a venture that has allowed her to interview many of the top stars in the genre including Sarah Brightman, Celtic Woman, Mirusia, Paul Potts, and more. During the covid-19 pandemic, she created an online concert series for the magazine that has seen her perform in the same line-up as Alex Sharpe, Lucy Kay, Barbara Padilla, Classical Reflection, and more on the virtual stage. In 2022, Natasha was included on the charity album “Stars of Classical Crossover: Christmas” in benefit of the Wallace & Gromit Children’s Charity.

1 Comment
  1. What a lovely review 🥰 if I didn’t live so far I’d probably would have gone many times my Nanny ( that’s who I call my dads mom) has taken me to many plays when I was little and love for watching has grown since.

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